It is understood that Facebook has launched a new feature for advertisers today: cross-device reports for advertising. This feature enables marketers to track users in mobile apps and the web.
Facebook pointed out that this kind of cross-device conversion will become more and more common, because people have their own mobile phones, and tablets and desktop computers move to interact with businesses, so that people can easily accept a product.
People increasingly use multiple devices, so it can be concluded that some people start activities on one device and complete it in another. The user may click on an ad in a smartphone and then purchase a particular product on the desktop, or click on an ad in the laptop, and then have his tablet buy.
In a recent analysis, Facebook found that more than 32% of U.S. users are interested in Facebook Mobile's advertising and 28 days at the desktop. This report affirms that brands can track, which means that their mobile ads are converted, even if it does not move.