Cynthia Breazeal, a professor at the MIT Media Lab, has launched the Jibo fundraising campaign, a cute little robot that will help improve people's family life.
Brescia is considered a leader in the field of social robotics and its purpose is to create robots that we can naturally communicate with the expected social roles. Although many robots are designed for use by those who build their computer scientists, Jibo is not used for computer experts. Brescia envisions having Jibo like education and health care, where "high exposure" is a crucial area of ​​production impact. Jibo can also act as a human assistant in industries where resources are employed to limit more people. For example, a social robot can serve as a supplemental health coach or personal tutor. Robots cannot completely replace humans to do those jobs, but they can help.
Brescia pointed out that because of the benefits of the mobile computing revolution, the world is preparing for the development of social robots. Advances in battery technology, speech recognition, visual computing and other areas have made Jibo possible at an affordable price point.
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