Natural gold floatability

Gold and copper belong to the first class of sub-group elements, which are similar in chemical properties and similar in floatability. The types of gold-bearing ore and copper sulfide ore are similar, such as gangue composition. Containing iron sulfide minerals, etc., so the process conditions of flotation are similar.
Natural gold has good floatability and is a sulfur-soluble element. With an anionic collector containing S 2- such as xanthate, the black drug can be well captured. It is an easy-floating mineral. Other gold-bearing minerals are less buoyant than natural gold.
The floatability of natural gold is related to many factors.
(1) The particle size of gold. The particle size of gold has a greater influence on the floatability. The particle size is too coarse and too fine to be difficult to float. The granularity of the flotation gold is roughly divided as follows:
Coarse gold: >0.074mm;
Fine grain gold: 0.001 ~ 0.074mm;
Particulate gold: <0.001mm.
The maximum floatable gold particle size is about 0.2 to 0.3 mm, and the effective flotation particle size is between 0.01 and 0.074 mm.
Monomer gold is easy to float, and the degree of nucleus of floating body is different from that of continuous minerals. For example, it is still easy to float with sulfide minerals. For example, when there is a non-sulfide, only the gold surface has a large degree. The explosion can only float.
(2) The shape and surface state of the gold particles
The flakes and scaly gold are more bar-shaped and strip-shaped gold are easy to float, and the round and drip-shaped gold particles are relatively difficult to float. The floatability of gold particles covered with a layer of ferric hydroxide contaminated film (like rust) will be greatly reduced. In the grinding process, it is beneficial to clean the contaminated layer on the surface of the gold particles, but other mineral or gangue particles can also be embedded on the surface of the gold particles to cause gold surface contamination. In particular, the contamination of the surface by the slime or mechanical oil mixed into the slurry will reduce the floatability of the gold.
(3) Impurity content. As mentioned above, natural gold is not chemically pure, and it contains other metal impurities or compounds. The higher the impurity content, the worse the floatability of gold; the more easily the impurities are oxidized, the worse the floatability; the higher the iron content, The more significant the decrease in floatability.
(4) The influence of associated minerals. If gold is present in the form of gold-bearing sulfide ore, the floatability of gold is equivalent to these sulfide minerals, and due to the gold content, the floatability of sulfides will increase. The higher the pyrite content, the higher the sulfur content and the flotation index (concentrate grade and recovery rate) of gold. Flotation of high sulfur gold ore is one of the problems. Sometimes it is necessary to first calcine the flotation gold after desulfurization. In gold-bearing oxidized ore, gold minerals become more difficult to float because of the difficulty in floating oxidized ore, and the contamination of the gold surface, and the oxides are mostly iron oxide minerals. In addition, clay -containing slime is also difficult to float.

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