The world's first largest diameter PQF tube rolling mill was successfully tested

The world's first largest diameter PQF three-roll continuous rolling mill unit was successfully tested on the 460 project site of Tianjin Pipe Group Co., Ltd. The completion and commissioning of the project will enhance the production capacity of the group's large-diameter, difficult-to-deform, high-alloy steel pipes, and form a complete product specification series with the original three sets of rolling mills, in order to further enhance the core competitiveness of the enterprise and realize\ The "Eleventh Five-Year Plan" goal is of great significance. Φ460PQF is the world's first set of the most advanced large-diameter three-roll continuous rolling mill unit with a design capacity of 500,000 tons. It has the characteristics of good product quality, high finished product rate, low tool consumption and low rolling cost.

The project started construction on September 1, 2005. According to the requirements of "the highest level of technology, the fastest construction speed, the best project quality, the most project investment? (4) Renyuan 锊钤鏫", after 16 months of hard work Struggling, finally on January 6 this year, the puncher hot test succeeded.

After intense adjustment, at 11:18 am on January 26, with the sound of the rolling mill, the red steel embryo was drilled through the perforation, the capillary spewed the flame tongue, and passed through the continuous rolling mill, the pipe stripper and the sizing machine. , rushing to the big cold bed. The surface quality of the steel pipe is good and fully meets the design requirements. This marks the further improvement of Tianjin's seamless technical equipment level and independent innovation capability, and creates a miracle in the history of domestic metallurgical construction.

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