Cummins' new WeChat service number platform - "Cummins China Service" officially launched on January 8, 2016.
Cummins China Service Online
The "Cummins China" public number that we have seen before was the subscription number. In order to better reflect Cummins's service capabilities, we hereby launched the service number platform and upgraded the subscription number platform at the same time. From 2016, there will be two Cummins public numbers to provide different services for everyone.
So what's the difference between these two numbers?
The difference between them is that:
Subscription Number: Information Distribution Platform - The freshest, most cutting-edge and most technical information available every day. Of course, it's all about Cummins.
Service No.: Interactive Support Platform - The most fashionable and convenient service channel, with member exclusive services, allows you to experience Cummins's ultimate service experience. In addition, here you can speak freely and receive prizes.
The revised subscription number has the following features:
A new world
First of all, Cummins Subscriptions launched a grand launch of its branding gallery. Based on the upgraded micro official website, it launched two major content topics:
In 40 years in China, it's no longer a year, and if you don't come to see this 40-year story, you'll be old.
In the 40 years of glory in China, don't forget that I can run 100 in the rice country. Just take something out and it is glory.
Second, integrating Cummins' product library will make Cummins products more intuitive and detailed.
The service number presents three major sections and there are no dead ends to solve customer needs and problems:
One, find something Kang
Buy parts, do not know what to do?
Driving on the road is bad, but how to do it?
The equipment is faulty. What should I do if I do not know where to start?
Technical control, self-employed, can not find relevant information how to do?
Second, the micro-community
The Cummins service number opened a dedicated BBS for users. As long as it is about Cummins, they can speak freely and receive prizes.
Third, membership alliance
Membership service is a project focused on this platform. Cummins will move the original member center on the subscription number to the service number and bring real benefits to everyone. Whether it is an old member or a new member, there are many functions waiting. Experience.
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