In late November 2013, all vehicle diesel in Hainan Province was upgraded to the national IV standard. Dalian Petrochemical Corporation exerted its technical advantages and actively organized production. In October, it sold a total of 11,000 tons of diesel IV to Hainan Province, further expanding the sales scope of high-end diesel.
It is understood that in most parts of the country where China National Standard III gasoline and diesel are still in use, Dalian Petrochemical Company's gasoline products have all been upgraded to Class V quality standards, and the ability to produce Class V quality diesel has continued to increase, and it has seized market opportunities. Expanded market share of high-end gasoline and diesel products. In September of this year, Dalian Petrochemical sold a total of more than 310,000 tons of gasoline and diesel of Class IV and V standards, an increase of 9.1% from the previous month and a significant increase in efficiency.
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