Thaw for physical connection between smartphone and computer

Usually, data is transmitted between a smartphone and a computer, and the required cable or application can be used for both devices. Researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology have developed a new method of transferring data between smartphones and computers called thawing. Thaw is a system that establishes a connection between a smartphone and a computer, using direct contact with the screen. When the smartphone becomes a folder and drag and drop files, it touches the screen of a computer. Without starting to be able to use physical contacts, sharing files is the ability to use smart phones via contact with the game controller.
Thawing makes smartphones a container for various game content. Using a smartphone, you can pick up a character, use the phone as a container to store it and hinder the other person in the game. Unfreeze your smartphone's rear camera to work. When you press the screen, you can see that the phone covers the game or desktop on the smartphone screen. This means that it will not block the picture when it touches.

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